Haley Park will provide fully handicapped accessible apartments with amenities for low-income seniors and Veterans in Tampa.

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  • Region West Florida
  • Project Types All Housing, Multifamily, Green-Built
Central Florida Health Care will renovate 4 locations, serving up to 5,000 additional low-income patients in South Central Florida.

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  • Region Central Florida
  • Project Types Community Facility, NMTC Project, Health Related
Dozier Apartments, developed by Operation New Hope, will provide affordable rental homes in Jacksonville’s Historic Springfield neighborhood.

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  • Region Northeast Florida
  • Project Types All Housing, Multifamily
Good News Outreach serves individuals, families, and children in the Tallahassee area with housing and social services.      …

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  • Region Northwest Florida
  • Project Types All Housing, Supportive Housing, Community Facility
Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County has helped over 100 families to purchase safe, decent, affordable homes.

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  • Region Southeast Florida
  • Project Types Community Facility
Showpeople's Winter Quarters will offer affordable housing options to performers who have halted travels due to age or health problems.…

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  • Region West Florida
  • Project Types All Housing, Single Family, Multifamily
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Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
Our Mission Our expertise and capital make projects successful and help organizations improve lives and communities.

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