With FCLF financing, Ability Housing purchased Dozier Apartments in Jacksonville’s Springfield neighborhood, keeping housing affordable.

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  • Region Northeast Florida
  • Project Types All Housing, Multifamily
Joyce’s Mini Market and Deli will expand and offer access to more fresh foods in the East Tampa community.

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  • Region West Florida
  • Project Types Community Facility, Food Access
SailFuture provides youth in foster care with a home, an education, and opportunity to foster relationships and plan their future.

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  • Region West Florida
  • Project Types All Housing, Supportive Housing, Education Related
Sweetwater Organic Community Farms offers access to fresh food along with education in organic farming methods.

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  • Region West Florida
  • Project Types Community Facility, Food Access
Community Partners of South Florida will provide affordable single family homes with FCLF financing.

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  • Region Southeast Florida
  • Project Types All Housing, Single Family
Overtown Youth Center is building a new facility with NMTC financing through FCLF.

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  • Region South Florida
  • Project Types Community Facility, NMTC Project, Education Related
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Core Purpose FCLF exists to maximize opportunities for people and places outside of the economic mainstream.
Our Vision Opportunity and dignity exist for every person and community in Florida.
Our Mission Our expertise and capital make projects successful and help organizations improve lives and communities.

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